Bad breath ( halitosis )


Bad breath is one of the symptoms that pet owners worry about the most.

‏‎‏Is that a sign of a serious disease or is it just  like any other symptoms and can be treated easily ?

‏To answer this question, we need to know the reasons behind this symptom:

‏There are multiple causes of bad breath, simply most of them are caused by bacteria living in the mouth. These bacteria can build  the plaque on teeth. In that case, it is recommended to have a dental cleaning at the veterinarian. As well as daily brushing of teeth to maintain the health and to remove  bad breath.

‏‎‏If this problem was not treated at early stages, another issue of tooth erosion and loss might get developed. Therefore, there will be a need to minor surgery to extract the affected teeth.

‏‎‏ There are other less common causes:

‏ the quality of the food

‏‎‏gastrointestinal disease


‏‎‏ Wounds or infections in the mouth

‏‎‏ periodontal disease

‏‎‏  The veterinarian identifies the problem, whether through a normal diagnosis or carrying out the necessary analyzes to find out the problem and treat it, and Once the underlying disease has been treated, halitosis will disappear.

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