Food allergy


Itchiness is considered one of the most symptoms of food allergies in cats and dogs.

Pets eat a wide variety of processed proteins, flavors and colors that they digest inside their bodies. Proteins for example, may be converted to odd substances that are rejected by their immune system. Therefore, the foreign invaders may cause inflammation to digestive system or other organs. Skin responds eventually to this resistance.  

Allergies symptoms in dogs and cats:

In cats, reactions are usually around head and neck resulting in hair loss and dandruff, whereas In dogs, it is often itchy skin around the face and the perineum, they may chew on paws and feet too and they may also experience repeated otitis.

‎‏You don’t need to change your pet’s diet when those symptoms appear, as the food allergies symptoms may resemble those symptoms from a biting insect or bacterial infection.

‎‏However, it can be known whether it is a food allergies or not when there is no responses to the allergy or insect medicines, although it is normal that pets can have food allergies begins form early ages and happens frequently.

‎‏Treatment :

‎‏In this case, pet must be given special types of food. According to studies, the response can follow after a month and a half. Also, special food intended for allergies should not be mixed with other type of food.

‎‏If allergies were accompanied by bacterial infection, it must be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian.

‎‏ Dr. Ahmed Al-Mushrafi

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